心在疫起 NEW NORMS PARK #14: Cage Delivery

The day has come! The pre-fabrication of steel components is complete. Today, they are delivered to site in batches.

Depending on weather conditions, the steel components will be primed and painted tomorrow.

The process of preparing the delivery to site at WLW factory.

The cages are lifted in sets using an overhead crane at the factory onto the lorry bed.

Lorry crane is used to move the cages.
The cages are arranged neatly. Waiting to be primed and painted.

The stacked cages form an interesting geometric pattern.

Close-up of the welded joint of the central axis cage.

The regular cages are flatpacked for delivery. These will be welded into shape later.

The regular cages look ethereal when positioned closely.

The welded joints will be primed before painting.

David inspecting the cages.
