Our fabricator, Wan Li Wan Welding Works (WLW), prepared the mockups for inspection.
We (JFN), along with MBKS Engineering and MBKS Landscape department officers attended the inspection at WLW's factory.
Reinforcement Bars as Cages
Tze hui feeling the space inside the cages.
Side by side comparisons between cage variations. Central axis cage (left), regular cage (right). Metal mesh will be installed over the top of the central axis cages to allow for creepers to climb.
Used Oil Drum as Planter Boxes
Voting on the variant of red colour in which the planter boxes will be painted.
Different shades of red colour compared. The colours come out different when photographed...
Benny the fabricator (left) explains to David (centre) and Tze Hui (right) how the edge of the cut drums are finished
The unpainted areas will be filled with soil. There will also be holes drilled at the bottom of the planter for drainage. |
A close-up of the used oil drum planter box finishing.
2 workers work in tandem to cut the used oil drums. The worker in the background (with yellow sleeves) mark the centre-lines on the drums, while the worker in the front cuts along the lines with a grinder.
Testing the structural integrity of the planter boxes 😄 |
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